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The Way to Peace - Leaving Anxiety Behind

  • 12 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


What can I do? There is so much in life that we do not have control over, including circumstances that lead to anxiety. But, there are things we do have control over! God gave us some specific and very simple instructions for dealing with the circumstances of life in a way that produces peace rather than anxiety. Of everything we try to do, that may or may not be effective, the least we can do is know what God said to do, and do it. His way is not burdensome, it is light. His instructions are doable. You can do it. But will you? In this mini-course, I will take you through one verse in the Bible that gives us three things we can all do in our pursuit of peace. They won't change the circumstances, but they will change the way you travel through them, leaving you in a much better and more peaceful state. What do you have to lose? Learn what God said. Join me today, and pursue your inheritance of peace. It's yours for the taking. Your Father gave it to you. Accept it today.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





Wet Paintbrushes

"The world is your studio

Life is your canvas

You are the masterpiece!" 


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 © 2020 Melissa Miller.

All artwork is the sole property of Melissa Miller and is held under copyright even after purchase. The images, artwork and contents of this website may not be copied, collected or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Melissa Miller. All images of artwork, sold or otherwise, are retained by Melissa Miller

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