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Formerly called
Where Words & Art come together to
Create Beauty & Nourish Souls

Revival | Psalm 24
The King of Glory is Coming Psalm 24 is a depiction of a story of revival of God’s people. It begins in verses 1-2 with a declaration ...

"You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies" Psalm 23:5 "My heart has heard You say, 'Come and talk with Me.' And my heart...

Know and Be Known
What makes you happier than anything in the world? The answer says a lot about person!

The Lord is My Banner - Story
The Lord is My Banner - Jehovah Nissi
A Story, by Melissa Miller

Secure in Hope
Can you think of a time when you were preparing to go to someone’s home who you knew was preparing well for your visit and would be ready...

It Takes Faith
In every interaction in which Jesus restores someone through a miracle, Faith is always present. What is faith?

Homesick for Heaven
Can you think of a time when you felt really Homesick? What happened that made you feel so homesick? What were you homesick for? If you...

Riding Down the Canyon
When I was growing up, my Grandpa used to sing Riding Down the Canyon by Gene Autry. I always pictured something like this, a long...

Journey to Michigan - A Worship Collection
This is a collection of ten paintings I created during and following our summer trip to Western Michigan. The beauty and colors were so...

Lion of Judah
Feared and respected by all.Threatened by none.Fierce and fiercely loyal. Protecting his Pride.
Defending hid territory. Hail, the King!

The Way to Peace - Leaving Anxiety Behind
Do you feel like anxiety has a grip on you? Learn what God says about peace and anxiety and how leave one for the other.

Victory and Collateral Damage
How do you feel about experiencing the power of God? In many places where Jesus taught and did miracles, those who experienced His power wou

The Unrolling of His Story
Imagine a long scroll. On it are words written with God's handwriting. The text includes the life and name of every person who ever lived...

Give Thanks...not repayment
"In everything give thanks." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Thanks Greek - Eucharisto Eu = good xaris = grace Thanks (eucharisto) is...

Handling the Pain and Power of Emotions
Jesus experienced the fullest range of emotions possible and handled them righteously. We can learn from Him and follow His example

Discipleship Tested - Warrior
Become a Prayer Warrior! The greatest victories I have experienced in my life have happened first on my knees! Join others who have gone...

Full or Nourished?
There is a big difference between being feeling full and being nourished. This is true for the body and the soul! What does your soul need?

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 5:3 In the summer of 2008, China hosted the summer...

God Spreads His Tabernacle
In Revelation 7:15 "He who sits on the throne will spread His tabernacle over them." What a beautiful picture of relief and rest!

Good News From Far Away
Jesus taught the Good News of the. Kingdom of Heaven. What what Jesus talking about? What is the Good News?
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