You Kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
In each interaction in which Jesus performed a miracle on a person, you will find common themes.
Each person was affected by brokenness caused by the curse of sin. They felt the pain of life on earth acutely because of the infirmities that held them captive to lives that were anything but abundant and free. There was a longing for relief and comfort. And when Jesus came near there was faith.
What is faith?
My favorite definition of faith is, Divine Persuasion.
Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for
and the certainty of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1
These people were hoping for something they had never seen before. Yet somehow, they acted in such a way as to demonstrate that they were sure that Jesus was the source and authority of the goodness they were certain was out there, for them. They were daring to believe in something that neither their experience nor their natural minds could figure out. Yet, they chose to move forward. They moved towards Jesus.
They were persuaded that there was more. That the supernatural could override the natural. The goodness could overcome the evils and pains of a life they were held to. They were persuaded, in short, that the ways of the Kingdom of God, could work here in this kingdom.
And so they moved!
Are you persuaded of this? Are you certain the goodness of the Kingdom of God can be enjoyed here and now and that the ways of the Kingdom can work in your life too? It’s feels upside-down, but it’s right-side up. It feels like it won’t work…It doesn’t make sense!
Jesus said…
You want to live in peace? Let go of revenge and love your enemies.
You want to be energetic and productive? Leave your work and take a day off every week.
You want your business to be successful? Give up tediously accounting for every penny and share generously with those in need.
You want to get a lot done in a day? Lay your stress and hurry aside and first, spend time quiet time with God; be still.
You want to be righteous? Give up trying so hard and accept the righteousness of Jesus.
And on and on. Jesus words are contrary to the ways of earth. That’s why it takes faith! Believe in what He said. Move in His ways through life. And watch as His Kingdom will become your reality, on earth; in your home, heart, relationships, work as it will be in Heaven.
It takes Faith.