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Revival | Psalm 24

The King of Glory is Coming
The King of Glory is Coming

Psalm 24 is a depiction of a story of revival of God’s people.

It begins in verses 1-2 with a declaration that the earth and everything in it, including the people, belong to Yahweh God because He created it all. The principle we gain here is that the Creator owns what he creates. So everything is God’s and Yahweh is God.

If Yahweh is God, we must remember that we already know so much about Him! We have the testimony of the history that reveals Him as a God who does not forget His promises, who covenants with people, who fights for them in ways far beyond the imagination and strength of people. He is a God who redeems, is just and is holy. He is a God who loves fiercely and the thing He wants most is to be loved by the people He created and fights for. He wants to have a close relationship with His creations, people, us.

Verses 3-6 ask and answer a question. Who can go up and be in the presence Yahweh and who can be in His holy place? Knowing what we already know about Yahweh, who can come near, be in His temple, in His presence, and not die? We want to be in His presence. The nearness of God is our only good, Psalm 73:28. We love to be near Him. But, how can this be possible? Who can be in His presence?

Verse 4 is the answer. Those whose hands are clean. They have not acted maliciously or intentionally done evil, hurting and taking advantage of others.  They  have a pure heart. They have lived, not perfectly, but with integrity. They intend to do rightly, and ask and offer forgiveness when needed. Their intentions are upright. They have not worshipped other gods and gone through life lying to try to get ahead and push others down.  Their objective is to live on the path of God, pursuing God and drawing near to Him and His kingdom. These are the ones who can enter the presence of God because God will bless them with a covering of His righteousness, thereby saving them from death in His presence. Their blessing is the gift of being in the presence of Yahweh!

The generation that understands this and does it will be called, “the generation of those who seek Him, who seek the face of Yahweh”

 The Psalm continues in verses 7-10 in a way that seems like a response to the to verses 3-6. The people of God have made themselves ready to enter the presence of God. They have purified themselves, repented, been cleansed, forgiven and made righteous by the blessing of God.

 Now the call goes out to the temple to open up and make ready for the King to enter in. Wake up gates, open up gates and doors! The King of Glory is drawing near! Verses 8 and 10 make completely clear who this King is. He is Yahweh, the one who is victorious in battle for His people and against His enemy Satan. He is the God of Angel Armies and the hosts of people throughout generations who have called Him their God. This is Yahweh, who never loses His battles, whose love is so fierce and loyalty to His word is so sure, that He will never let His people down. This is the One who makes us clean and able to enter His presence. This is the awesome One, it is He, the King of Glory who is coming to the temple to meet with His people!

Wake up, oh people of the earth, those who seek the face of Yahweh. Prepare yourselves. Make your hands and hearts ready through repentance so that God can bless you with the coverings of righteousness. Make yourselves ready to come and meet with your God. Let days of prayer, fasting and repentance happen now so that days of fellowship with Yahweh can follow. Open up the doors of invitation, bow down your hearts together so that the King of Glory will enter your midst. Come and be revived. Let days of refreshing come to the people of God.


Wet Paintbrushes

"The world is your studio

Life is your canvas

You are the masterpiece!" 

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