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Praise in the Storm - Click the link to watch the Art Blog


Towards the end of 2021, I created a piece of artowrk inspired by a Psalm of King David, Psalm 121. It begins , " I lift my eyes to the mountains, does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord who made Heaven and Earth. 


“Life can be full of light, clear, and beautiful. But life changes.”

Much in Davids life had changed, and it wasn't all pleasant or easy. Some of the changes were hard. We understand hard changes as our world has gone through the Covid Pandemic. 


Hard stuff in life happens. So, the question is, to whom do we turn when life gets hard? Where do we expect help to come from? In whom are you trusting to help you get through this? When you get through this, what will life look like? 


Listen to the blog while watching the art-making process. Then download this free reflection guide to help you reflect and identify your source of help. 



Praise in the Storm Reflection Guide

    Wet Paintbrushes

    "The world is your studio

    Life is your canvas

    You are the masterpiece!" 

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     © 2020 Melissa Miller.

    All artwork is the sole property of Melissa Miller and is held under copyright even after purchase. The images, artwork and contents of this website may not be copied, collected or used for personal or professional gain without the written permission from Melissa Miller. All images of artwork, sold or otherwise, are retained by Melissa Miller

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